by Tim Rowan, Editor Emeritus
OIG Accuses Medicare Advantage Providers of Padding Patient Assessments...Again
“Hello, this is your Medicare Advantage company calling. I am one of their clinicians and it is time for us to update your health assessment. If you will agree to a home visit, we will send you a $50 gift card to CVS.”
This phone call my brother received is typical, increasingly common, and not necessarily on the up-and-up, according to a new report to CMS from the Department of Health and Human Services Office of the Inspector General (OIG). OIG found that these home visits, known in the insurance industry as “Health Risk Assessments,” (HRA) when coupled with HRA-related claims data, increased Medicare Trust Fund payments to MA companies $7.5 billion in 2022 and twice that in 2023. Most of it went to the top 20 companies.

The October 2024 report, “Medicare Advantage: Questionable Use of Health Risk Assessments Continues to Drive Up Payments to Plans by Billions,” accuses the industry as a whole of improperly padding payments by “finding” new health conditions during these HRA’s that may indicate the need for additional care at additional cost to the company. It questions the use of MA plan employees doing these assessments instead of relying on the customer’s primary care physician’s reports.
OIG references CMS’s own report, “Part C Improper Payment Measure (Part C IPM) Fiscal Year 2023 (FY 2023) Payment Error Rate Results,” to determine that gross overpayments to Medicare Part C plans in 2023 amounted to just over six percent of total payments, or $14.6 billion. The net increase to MA plans, after adjusting for underpayments, brought the percentage to 4.62. Total 2023 payments to MA plans came to $275,605,962,817.
The report also points out that identifying additional customer need during an HRA does not necessarily translate into the insurance company paying for additional care.
OIG Recommendations
In addition to implementing prior OIG recommendations, the new report asks CMS to:
- Impose additional restrictions on the use of diagnoses reported only on in-home HRAs or chart reviews that are linked to in-home HRAs for risk-adjusted payments,
- Conduct audits to validate diagnoses reported only on in-home HRAs and HRA-linked chart reviews, and
- Determine whether select health conditions that drove payments from in-home HRAs and HRA-linked chart reviews may be more susceptible to misuse among MA companies.
CMS concurred with OIG’s third recommendation but rejected the other two.
While the entire 38-page report is well-worth reading, OIG has also published a one-page summary.
At this year’s annual conference of The National Alliance for Care at Home, the new merger of NAHC and NHPCO, a number of education sessions were devoted to teaching Home Health agency owners how to negotiate with Medicare Advantage plans in order to minimize losses and better care for patients who chose those plans. Comments included the high rate of care denial, unreasonable prior authorization policies, and slow payments as compared to traditional Medicare. Other healthcare entities have chosen a potentially more effective response: Just Say No.
Hospital systems have had enough
According to a roundup of recent decisions by large and small healthcare systems in Becker’s Hospital CFO Report (10/25/24), no fewer than 30 healthcare providers are severing their relationships with one or more MA plans, with another 60 who told Beckers they are seriously considering the same move.

States Have as Well
A sister publication, Becker’s Payer Issues, reported in its October 23 edition that more and more states are issuing fines against MA plans for violations ranging from excessive denied claims to collection of co-pays when none was required.
How Much Longer?
All of this demands a serious question. How much longer will Home Health continue to tolerate abuse by these giant, for-profit payers now that a different path forward has been paved by hospital systems and state regulatory arms? The loudest voice for Home Health to join the “Just Say No” movement over the last few years has been that of Bruce Greenstein, CTO of LHC Group. Following his company’s acquisition by UnitedHealth’s Medicare Advantage division, Optum, his less loud message is to work with MA plans to teach them what Home Health is and what it can do for them.
Statement from Dr. Landers
In his inaugural address to The Alliance last month, new CEO Dr. Steven Landers called for our entire industry and everyone taking a paycheck from it to join him in advocacy. We fully support that call to action, recognizing that no national association can influence lawmakers and CMS regulators without member support, but he was referring to Medicare rules and payment structures. As we know, that includes less than half of Medicare beneficiaries today. Thanks to deceptive TV ads during open enrollment every year, that number will continue to shrink.
Widespread Advocacy
We need to turn at least part of our advocacy focus to the dominant payers, the MA divisions of insurance companies. Read the Beckers report on the 30 healthcare systems that have torn up their MA contracts. Read the companion report about the epidemic of care denials. Yes, it is a David vs. Goliath story, with even the largest organizations in Home Health dwarfed by the size of the payers. As so many hospital systems have shown, however, it is possible to switch from begging for a few more cents per visit to forcing a plan to beg you to take their patients.
It will only work though if everyone does it. We have already lost LHC Group, and Optum is in the final stages of adding Amedisys to their stable. Out of 11,000 HHAs, there is still a chance we have a united voice loud enough to be heard and taken seriously.
Final Thoughts
One of their improper cost-cutting tactics is routine care denial. For example, the Labor Department alleged that UnitedHealth subsidiary UMR denied all urine drug screen claims from August 2015 to August 2018 without determining whether a claim was medically necessary. In my brother’s case, following his wife’s HRA by her MA company, with no additional care offered, he made the tough choice to put her on in-home hospice care. The assessing nurse immediately detected she had a UTI and ordered the appropriate antibiotics. She responded quickly and may be discharged from hospice soon. Hospice care, of course, is paid by traditional Medicare, not Medicare Advantage.

Tim Rowan is a 30-year home care technology consultant who co-founded and served as Editor and principal writer of this publication for 25 years. He continues to occasionally contribute news and analysis articles under The Rowan Report’s new ownership. He also continues to work part-time as a Home Care recruiting and retention consultant. More information: or contact Tim at
©2024 by The Rowan Report, Peoria, AZ. All rights reserved. This article originally appeared in Healthcare at Home: The Rowan One copy may be printed for personal use: further reproduction by permission only.