by Kristin Rowan, Editor
Year of the Caregiver
Medical and non-medical caregivers in home health, hospice, palliative, and home care are the life-blood of the industry, without whom Care at Home would not exist.
Agency owners are limited in their capacity to compensate caregivers, working with CMS reimbursement rates, PDGM, and VBPM. However, Agency owners also know that caregivers are selfless, caring, empathetic, and dedicated. They also spend hours upon hours on documentation, drive billions of miles per year (literally), and adapt to changing industry regulations regularly.
So, how do you, as an agency owner, executive, or manager, care for your caregivers in a meaningful way to express your appreciation for all that they do? How can you impact the high turnover rate? Pay raises are limited by CMS and insurance companies. Benefits are expensive for an already low-margin industry. Extended vacations limit the care you can provide your clients.
The Advantages of Employee Recognition
When your employees are engaged and feel appreciated, they are more loyal. Loyal employees are less likely to leave for another job, even if the pay rate is slightly higher. Employee recognition helps retain your best employees, increases their engagement, encourages best practices, and can be used as a recruitment tool when you need more staff.
A 2023 study highlights the importance of employee recognition. Employees who are likely to be recognized are more than twice as likely to go above and beyond their regular duties. Hearing a sincere “thank you” from the boss yields a 69% increase in extra effort. Personal recognition would encourage 37% of respondents to do better work more often.
Simple Start
Employee recognition programs don’t have to overhaul your organization, take a lot of time, or cost a lot of money. Start simple and see where it takes you.
Celebrate Major Achievements and Small Wins
It’s important to recognize major achievements like gaining a new licensure, getting a referral for a new client, a positive online review, or a great star rating. How long an employee is with the company is an easy milestone to celebrate. Accolades for 30, 60, & 90 days, one year, five years, 10 years go a long way.
Equally important is celebrating smaller victories like completing a training, submitting accurate documentation, picking up an open visit, and birthdays.
Peer-to-Peer Recognition
Giving your employees the opportunity to recognize and celebrate each other creates a culture of appreciation within your agency, even when your employees are rarely together. Picking up a shift, trading a day off, helping answer a question, or simply encouraging a new employee during training are things you might not see, but your employees will. Give them an outlet to celebrate each other.
Peer-to-peer recognition can be done with group text messages or an internal IM system like Slack or Microsoft Teams. For employees who are in the office, you can create a message board for notes, encouragement, and thanks. Create a monthly gift and let employees nominate someone for an act of kindness or helpfulness.
Organizational Change
Once you’ve established a Culture of Caring, ask your employees what they want and need. If recognition isn’t meaningful, it may not have the desired effect.
A study out of the Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics, 30% of registered nurses and 25% of licensed practical nurses left their positions in a home care agency in the course of one year. Part of the reason for the high turnover rate is schedule volatility. Another study concluded that high schedule variability in just 30 days increased the risk of turnover by 20%.
No change will eliminate client cancellations or immediate starts-of-care under the acceptance-to-service policy. But, that doesn’t mean you can’t minimize the volatility of a schedule.
Automating the scheduling process using existing technology now allows home care agencies to offer open appointments in a “gig economy” style. Caregivers are notified by AI of a visit that needs to be covered, giving them the option to change their schedule. That autonomy reduces the feeling of stress caregivers have over schedule changes.
Stand-alone software options for automated scheduling and reduced schedule changes include Axle Health and Caring on Demand for home health and CareSmartz360 for non-medical supportive care. AI powered scheduling inside EMRs and agency management software include AlayaCare, HomeCare Homebase, CareVoyant, Axxess, Careswitch, and AxisCare, among others.
Some sources suggest that home health workers spend up to three hours per shift at home finishing documentation. Visit times increase when employees are documenting on paper or on a device during the visit.
One of the latest innovations in care at home software is AI powered talk-to-text scribe tools. Mobile applications using artificial intelligence record visits and transcribe conversations. The documentation tool scans the transcript as well as all patient data from the EMR and creates the needed documentation. Once a visit is over, the AI tool can finish documentation sometimes within minutes, requiring just a quick review by the visiting caregiver before submitting for QA.
Talk-to-text scribe tools are both stand-alone voice capture and integrated documentation tools. Some of the best talk-to-text scribe tools we’ve found are Athelas Scribe, Ybot, Andy, and Nvoq. OASIS and documentation automation reduces the burden on caregivers even more, almost eliminating the additional time spent at home reviewing charts and documentation. Some of the best OASIS and documentation automated software we’ve reviewed are Andy, Enzo, and Brellium. The Rowan Report will have reviews of these products in 2025.
Communication and Connection
Care at home workers are a disparate group, rarely being in the same place at the same time, missing out on company culture, office parties, trading stories around the water cooler, and engaging with fellow employees, managers, and executives. Access to colleagues and management is an integral part of employee engagement and satisfaction.
Before you share the personal cell phone numbers of your entire agency, remember that all communication between employees, management, and clients should be secure and HIPAA compliant. Agencies have already seen the consequences both to their bottom line and with government agencies for failure to comply with secure messaging requirements.
Luckily, there are plenty of secure messaging platforms available for agencies to use. Employing messaging technology not only increases employee engagement, but also provides a level of security between caregivers and their patients and families. If you’ve now realized that you’ve been communicating on insecure platforms, check out Buzz, Qliqsoft, and Zingage.
Final Thoughts
Whether you start with a simple calendar to remind yourself which employees have been with you the longest, or invest in every AI tool available, the key here is to recognize that your caregivers are giving their all every day for their primary purpose of excellent patient-centered care.
No matter how you decide to do it, make 2025 the Year of the Caregiver and show your appreciation for all that they do for you. We couldn’t do what we do without them.
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Kristin Rowan has been working at Healthcare at Home: The Rowan Report since 2008. She has a master’s degree in business administration and marketing and runs Girard Marketing Group, a multi-faceted boutique marketing firm specializing in event planning, sales, and marketing strategy. She has recently taken on the role of Editor of The Rowan Report and will add her voice to current Home Care topics as well as marketing tips for home care agencies. Connect with Kristin directly or
©2024 by The Rowan Report, Peoria, AZ. All rights reserved. This article originally appeared in Healthcare at Home: The Rowan Report. One copy may be printed for personal use: further reproduction by permission only.