MedPAC Exposes More Medicare Advantage Crimes

CMS by Tim Rowan, Editor Emeritus This week, we look at the state of the healthcare industry, vis a vis payers that do not pay. While Home Health and Hospice leaders talk at every gathering about refusing to accept Medicare Advantage clients, some large Integrated...

Medicare Dollars Flow Freely to MA Plans

Editorial analysis by Tim Rowan, Editor It is good to occasionally remind ourselves that 2023 is the year enrollment in Medicare Advantage reached a full half of Medicare beneficiaries. Originally conceived as a plan to control spending, MA does seem to be achieving that goal....

Insurance Industry Insider Instructs Providers

CMS Insurance Industry Insider Instructs Providers September 16, 2020 by Wendell Potter (Adapted with permission from an article posted on the author’s Twitter feed. –Editor) My former colleagues in the health insurance industry claim they are waiving all costs of...