Strategies to Increase Workforce

By Kristin Rowan, Editor The workforce shortage across the country both in and out of home care is creating increasing demand on workers and added stress on organizations. Added to this is the increasing number of older adults living past retirement age. As more and...

Acute Hospital Care at Home

By Kristin Rowan, Editor Federal Waiver Program In 2020, CMS launched a hospital care at home program to help increase patient capacity during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic. The study included 300 hospitals and thousands of patients receiving care in their home...

Pay Attention to Fraud Reports

by Elizabeth E. Hogue, Esq. Two former Amedisys employees claim that they were fired in retaliation for alerting management to possible violations of the federal False Claims Act. They then filed a whistleblower, or qui tam, lawsuit [Pilat v. Amedisys, Inc., No....

Family Caregiver Tax Credit Bill

By Kristin Rowan, Editor Republican and Democratic leaders joined forces to introduce the Credit for Caring Act (S. 3702, H.R. 7165) in support of family caregivers across the country. Family caregivers are those who are caring for a family member but are not nurses...

New Players in Home Care

By Kristin Rowan, Editor Home care is no stranger to mergers and acquisitions. It seems there is news almost daily about companies joining forces or selling parts of their company to new entities. Notably, we reported just last week that Cigna has dropped its entire...